How To Make A PVC Basketball Rack [5 Simple Steps]

Every basketball court has many numbers of basketballs needed for casual or pressing play. It is painful at times to keep track of all of the basketballs. A basketball rack can be an excellent option to resolve this issue where you can put all the basketballs in an organized way. There are my racks available in the shop, but the thing is most of them are quite expensive, and those racks don’t have enough space to keep all the balls in an organized manner. So why don’t you make a rack by yourself? The process is very straightforward, and you can do it by yourself if you have all the necessary things.

Things you need to make PVC basketball rack

  • Internal diameter 40 PVC pipe (1-inch)
  • 4-way PVC T-connectors (1-inch)
  • 3-way elbow PVC connectors (1-inch)
  • PVC T-connectors (1-inch)
  • PVC caps (1-inch)
  • Hacksaw or PVC cutter

That’s all you need to prepare a basketball rack. Let’s check out the process below.

Step 1

First of all, you will need to cut the PVC pipe as per the following dimensions and quantities

  1. 3 feet (four pieces)
  2. 12 inches (four pieces)
  3. 7 inches (six pieces)
  4. 6 inches (four pieces)
  5. 4 inches (four pieces)
  6. 3 feet additional tier (2 pieces)
  7. 12 inches (four sections)
  8. 7 inches (2 parts)

Step 2

When you will all different dimensions of PVC pipe, then connect 7 inches and 6 inches to the joint of the T connector. Now attach the 6 inch PVC piece and second T connector with the first one. Now into the remaining openings, connect the 4-inch sections. Then, to the open ends of the 6-inch pieces, attach the caps. This pipe size arrangement (6-7-6) should form a straight line.

Step 3

Now to both the 4-inch pieces connect the inline joint of a 4-way connector. Then with another 7-inch section of pipe, you have to connect the two four-way connectors. After that, with a 4-inch connection, attach a 12-inch part. Make sure that both sides to be in line. Then the panel will look like a low track hurdle, isn’t it? At the top, the 4-inch legs with a crossbar and 12-inch bars are spiking out.  

Step 4

In this stage, you need to attach a 3-way connector to the 12-inch section at the top. Now between them place a 3-inch piece of pipe. You will notice the open parts of the connectors will face the same direction. Now use the glue to all joints and take some time to settle down. Now for the opposite side, use the same process to bring together the second panel. Here you can add some new tires also.

Step 5

This is the final part where you need to attach the 3-foot pipe between every pair of the open connections. Then the entire assembly process will form a tiered rack. Then add glue to every joint and allow it to spread. Now your basketball rack is ready to use, and you are good to go.

Advantage of using a rack

  • You don’t need to worry about the space, and you can store many basketballs in the rack. 
  • It will be less time consuming to keep the ball in an organized way. And from there you can pick up any ball as per your needs. 
  • All the basketballs will be kept in a single place. 
  • Whenever you play any game, you don’t need any person to assist and hold onto other balls. You can easily pick up any basketball and store in the rack again after you finish playing. 
  • You are aware of where your basketballs are.

Pro advice

  • To add an extra tier, you may use 4-way connectors. A basketball rack might have up to 4 tiers until the height may pose for any risk 
  • As you know, the diameter of standard basketball worldwide is 9.4-9.5 inches. So the depth of the rack must be 8 inches with the connectors. Three or four basketballs can occupy in each tier. 
  • Keep the basketball into the rack in an organized way and maintain order. This will help you find the right ball at the right time as per your need. 
  • While making the basketball, be careful about the adhesive you use to make it because this can harm your skin.

Maintain your basketballs with PVC rack

You must want your basketball to maintain correctly so that you can use it and play with it for a long time. So you need to use the ball with proper care, and it is an essential task for you. And PVC racks will help get your job done with ease. 

If you play with your basketball every day without any care, the ball might lose its durability, and as a result, you can’t play with it for a more extended period. Depressed bounce may occur because of a lack of compressed air in the basketball. So after finish playing a game, keep the ball in the rack and allow it some time to recover. 

If you use your basketballs in hostile weather, then your balls may lose shine. Keep your balls in the rack in the average temperature to maintain the gloss of the basketball. 

To remove the dirt from the basketball, you can use basketball cleanser. After cleaning up all the dirt from your ball, keep it on the rack.  Maintain a sequence while keeping all basketballs in the rack. And also, make sure you keep your shelf in a place that is dust and dirt free. It will ensure the glossy look of the ball, and you will love to play with it on the very next day. 

So I think now you know all the steps of preparing a basketball rack. The processes are simple, isn’t it? You can make it by yourself, or if needed, you can take assistance from 1 or 2 people around you. You should consider a basketball rack as one of the vital equipment. Now it’s your turn to make a rack and enjoy your game!

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