Yes, it’s a common question basketball game beginner how tall is a basketball hoop? To start their first game. Since from the beginning, the basketball game always required the basket rim height to set at 10 feet. In 1891 at Springfield, Massachusetts, Canadian James Naismith invented a game named basketball as part of Young Men’s Christian Association training school classwork and drafted a brief set of rules about how the basketball game played. Naismith set the basketball rim height at 10 feet in original 13 rules for the game with the standard upheld by the NBA 125 years later.
Basically for junior high & high school, WNBA, NCAA, FIBA, NBA, the rim height precisely 10 feet off the ground. At the same time, it’s important to set the rims in every level of play are 18 inches in diameter. It’s important to know that the backboards are also the same combination at each of these levels. According to the NBA & others rules & regulation, the backboard measures must focus on 6 feet wide and 42 inches tall.
What is the basketball backboard?
The backboard is an element of basketball equipment. It’s a raised vertical board with basket consisting of the net which suspended from a hoop. It made of a rigid piece, flat, often Plexiglas. Resulting, which has the properties of safety glass the time it accidentally shattered. It’s usually rectangular as used in NCAA & NBA international basketball. In the meantime, a backboard comes with Oval & fan shape specifically in non-professional games.
Basketball Rim Height and Dunking
In 2008; NBA all-star slam dunk competition became a battlefield for the rim height debate when 6 foot 11 inches player Dwight Howard challenged NBA officials to consider the raising of the rim to 12 feet for his dunk. As an essential attempt to address the arguments by shorter players because of the height accounted for dunking ability. Generally, players such as Gerald Green and Rudy Gay agreed to meet Howard’s challenge. At the same time, Green is also recommending the rim height raised height of basketball hoops to 13 feet at least. But the rim height left at 10 feet with NBA officials insisting that the NBA standards level across the game dunk contest or not.
Final Words
At the end of this article we hope that, now you know the actual answer of the question like how high is a basketball hoop? That article also answers the question of how tall is a nba basketball hoop. So we thing that this article helpful for you ultimately.
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